We offer direct on-line access to Japan's largest motorcycle network BDS, JBA & I-AUC with a combined inventory of approx 10,000 motorcycles for sale weekly.
Subscribe: Subscribe here, enter our own user name and password and get immediate access FREE
MOQ: minimum order quantity is by 20ft or 40ft container - We do not ship one-off single motorbikes
Transport & Storage: For successful bids, we'll arrange payment to the auction and transport to our Kyoto holding yard to await container loading. It can often take a few weeks to collect sufficient bikes to make up an order, so we provide free 30 day storage, thereafter storage will cost Y1000 p/week per motorcycle.
Container Loading: Depending on size we can load approx. 25 ~ 35 units into a 20-Footer and approx. 80 ~100 into a 40-Ft container. To maximize loading capacity, we build a second level decking inside the container which enables us to safely load bikes on an upper level.
Shipping: Once container vanning (aka loading) is complete, we'll ship the container to the port nearest you.
Documentation: Once final payment is confirmed, all documents Bill of Ladings, Shipping docs etc will be sent to you by express courier.
Pricing: You only pay the net cost of each bike which includes the auction buy fees* and transport to our yard - PLUS our service fee of Y5,000 yen per bike.
a). We provide 30-day FREE storage thereafter charge Y1000 per week
b). We also charge a container fee of Y300,000 which covers the cntr drayage (aka cartage normally Y150,000) and vanning or loading labor 3 men x 2 days)
c). To maximize loading we're able to build a steel or wooden upper deck inside the container which enables us to safely load a double layer of motorcycles.
d). *Ocean freight and THC is not included
Bond Deposit: before placing bids we require a bond deposit of 25% of your intended spend value - Your deposit is secure and will be credited towards your first purchase or otherwise refunded in full should you decide to opt out.